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AppliedSegmentor™ Modeling

Integrated with all AppliedChoice™ and other choice techniques, AppliedSegmentor™ allows clients to discover meaningful segments based on respondent utility values.  AppliedSegmentor™ uses these values to assign a probability that a respondent belongs to a certain segment, thus providing another way to further understand and target consumers. Combining this output with demographic and attitudinal survey questions, AppliedSegmentor™ permits a greater understanding of consumer based on preference.

When AppliedSegmentor™ is used with AppliedBest™ data; it provides a powerful approach for finding segments of respondents with quite differing preferences/importance scores.

AppliedSegmentor™ tends to be more successful than clustering, which uses data from standard rating scales.

AppliedSegmentor™ shows:

  • Options for the number of groups to consider and the number of groups that best fit the choice data
  • The probability a respondent belongs to a specific group
  • In which group the respondent best fits given the options to consider

Discover what an AppliedSegmentor™ model can do for your company.  Call us at 1.800.381.5599 for a free consultation.